„Ponad” i „pomiędzy” (nowymi) mediami: użytkownicy w nowym środowisku. Studium przypadku kampanii reklamowej firmy Netia

Słowa kluczowe

new media
media convergence
media ecology
McLuhan' stetrad

Jak cytować

Kopecka-Piech, K. (2014). „Ponad” i „pomiędzy” (nowymi) mediami: użytkownicy w nowym środowisku. Studium przypadku kampanii reklamowej firmy Netia. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 1, 165–175. Pobrano z https://studiadecultura.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/1598


„Above” and „between” the new media: the users in a new environment. A case study of the advertising campaign of Netia

The article presents the relations between particular media, developing as a result of convergence. The aim of the analysis is also determining mutual dependences between the media, their content and form of distribution, and their utilization. The analyzed environment reveals its intermedial and transmedial image, and makes us realize the continuously expanding communication possibilities. The case study focuses on the advertising campaign „Pierwsze Wolne Wybory na Twarz Netii” (The first free election for the face of Netia) realized between 11.05.2009 and 30.06.2009. The analysis is based on the most recent findings in the research on media convergence, also using the theory of literary analysis, and on the four laws of the media, i.e. the tetrad, formulated by Marshall and Eric McLuhan.



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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia de Cultura


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