Instytucjonalizacja strategii podejścia całościowego jako odpowiedź Unii Europejskiej na kompleksowość współczesnych zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa


  • Magdalena Kania Uniwersytet Jagielloński



The main aim of this article is to analyze the concept of comprehensive approach as
a fundamental concept defining the EU common security policy. Application of this concept
to security policy at the EU level has emerged from the theoretically-driven assumption that
security is strongly correlated with development, which generates a security-development
nexus. Therefore, comprehensive approach binds together instruments related to security
policy and development assistance policy. The article presents the multi-dimensional
understanding of the EU’s comprehensive approach. The analysis of the relevant EU documents
and political declarations has been used as a main method. It has been supplemented by the
analysis of literature on theoretical perspectives on a security-development nexus.
Keywords: Comprehensive Approach, Common Security and Defence Policy, Security-
-Development Nexus


