Sensotwórcze możliwości adaptacyjne typografii kinetycznej. Rekonesans badawczy

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typografia kinetyczna
kinetic typography

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Starachowicz, K. (2013). Sensotwórcze możliwości adaptacyjne typografii kinetycznej. Rekonesans badawczy. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 5, 169–177. Pobrano z


Kinetic typography and its sense-creating potential: preliminary research

Kinetic Typography is, generally speaking, animated text. It has been considered purely in terms of graphics as well as a new kind of communication, bringing some of the expressive power of film. It is worth looking at kinetic typography in the context of typography in general, the art in which signs (letters) refer to the text - a linguistic form with a certain meaning. This kind of animation highlights tropes in the given text, dictates the pace of reading, and refers to meaning itself, building “illustrations” to the text from individual glyphs, and rendering the atmosphere of the narrative situation. In the end, the animation gains a polyphonic character, when the narration from the text is carried out in parallel with the narration resulting from the graphical layer of the message, which helps building ironic or humorous tension. That proves that kinetic typography is semantically emancipating, although it is still an adaptation.



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Zobacz w Google Scholar

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Zobacz w Google Scholar


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