O kłopotach edukacji teatralnej w dobie wszechobecnej (po)nowoczesności i nieobecnej tradycji

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Łubieniewska, E. (2015). O kłopotach edukacji teatralnej w dobie wszechobecnej (po)nowoczesności i nieobecnej tradycji. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia De Cultura, 6, 120–126. Pobrano z https://studiadecultura.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/2301


On the troubles of theatric education in the age of omnipresent (post)modernism and nonexistent tradition

The reception of theatric plays by the young viewer (an example of which can be found in the discussion after the student's premiere of Acropolis directed by Łukasz Twardowski) reveals the need to expand the theatric education with the elements of the post-war tradition of the Polish scene. The example of the cultural gap in this regard can be heard in e.g. the voices of young critics on the re-mix on Lidia Zamkow, which show the lack of knowledge on the meaning of the cultural phenomenon, which was the theatre of that director. Implementing the subject, the main aim of which would be to familiarize the students with great personas of the theatre of the last five decades into the cultural studies curriculum seems absolutely necessary if one wants to raise an aware member of the culture - also the post-modernist one.



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